
Thursday, September 30, 2010

There's thunder rumbling about outside my window and I feel childlike in my joy.

It's been a very long week for me. I started my new job last week while I was still working the remaining week at my old job so for awhile there I was juggling those two while my Dad was trying to push me to keep both while going to school! No worries there, I completely ignored him. This week classes started up properly and I'm reminded of why I ignored him; I'm exhausted! I hadn't realized just how very much so but even while I'm staring, shoulders shrugged, at the screen I can feel just how puffy and tired my eyes are, and my back is quite a bit sore as well.

I love my new school. It's what I have been waiting for, for three years, to be at a proper school with decent people and events. I went straightaway and bought myself a shirt, that's how excited I am. THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO. Literally, there's so much! Events left and right and never a dull moment, it's my home away from home now (which is reasonable, seeing as how I go to school 5 days a week as well as work there). The people are magnificent and I'm finally starting to be pleased with the sorts of people I'm surrounding myself with these days. Perhaps it's less much so the people and more the fact that I'm finally beginning to feel secure with myself, that I'm starting to be more of myself, perhaps? Regardless the reason, I'm overjoyed and quite a bit exhausted, really.

I'm trying to take care of myself more. I really am awful about watching what I eat so I might as well try to sweat it all out of my system. So I went out and fixed up my old bike, then decided I might as well try to get a decent road bike as well, and joined yet another kickboxing class. I'm rather pleased at myself for that...

Haven't had much time for photos, but I'm not bothered. I'm really trying to concentrate on my schoolwork moreso than ever, because maybe now it really means something. Now I actually feel like I'm working towards a goal, my B.A. in Psychology. Now if I could only choose my concentration...


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