Goals for Winter

Thursday, December 20, 2012

This year has been completely volatile for me. Luckily it's almost up and the time to start anew is nearly here! I've decided in an effort to keep up my mood I'm going to start seasonal goals, little forms of achievement and accomplishment and good times! This idea was inspired by The Dainty Squid's Fall Goals. Today marks the end of Autumn but tomorrow begins Winter, so I'll start there.

Winter Goals
photograph more (I can't emphasize this enough!)
play in the snow (Rupert included!)
hike more
bike more
start up knit shop
find a mahvelous New Year's party to get fancy for
visit somewhere with gorgeous Winter scenery
have an amazing birthday party
purchase and learn to play the ukelele
finish playing Skyward Sword

get my own recurve bow and practice archery
take Rupert on walks 

and, well, if I manage to come up with anymore I'll add them as they come. 


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