This past year has felt bizarre in the sense that I've taken myself out of the comfort of having all of my darling friends within a 5 minute drive from me. Bizarre, but it's been a growing opportunity. What I've found is that no matter the distance, we're still here for each other. If anything I feel closer due to the distance because we've found that we can not withstand but overcome it.
Stephanie and I met in Junior year of High School in Art class then we bonded over music in Journalism the following year. We kept in touch but it wasn't until our early twenties that our friendship truly blossomed. We became inseparable partners in crime.
Now there's an immense comfort in knowing that we can still pick up right where we left off, with quirky inside jokes, singing Backstreet Boys at the top of our lungs, and impromptu dance sessions in the car.
It makes the scarce moments that we do manage to get together just that much sweeter, because I always welcome your company.

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