Thursday, February 27, 2014

So as the title states... it's been awhile!

Really! It's been nearly a year since I've posted and it's been with good reason. It's been one crazy year:

I earned my Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology from UC  Riverside

threw nearly everything I owned into my car

drove to Yosemite where I spent the next 4 months working at this hotel

and spending my days off hiking and exploring this wilderness

road trip to the Grand Canyon

camped out in Big Sur

suffered the gov't shutdown in San Francisco

moved to Portland where I now reside and really a whole other bunch of stuff in between.

So I guess what I'd like to do now is... fill in the blanks. I'm awfully proud of what I've done this past year and immensely grateful for the friendships and lessons that have arisen out of it. What better way to chronicle than to blog about it retroactively?

Did you know that sharing past happy events is a happifier? Reliving good moments with someone kind of brings those good feelings to the forefront and helps make you happy. Gratitude and nostalgia are some of my favorite feelings, ya dig? So this is a means of sharing and reliving those happy moments and serves as an inspiration to keep moving and keep growing.

My goal is to at least once a week share some type of anecdotal story and maybe something recent along the way.

It's going to be one hell of a ride and I hope you'll stick around.



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